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What is transcription software?

Olga Miroshnyk
Olga Miroshnyk
Jan 10, 2023
3 min read


In today's digital age, the ability to record audio and video has become increasingly accessible. From smartphones to digital recorders, it's easier than ever to capture important conversations, meetings, and lectures. However, there are times when having a written record of these recordings is necessary. For example, transcribing an interview can help a journalist accurately quote their source, or transcribing a lecture can make the content more accessible to students who prefer reading over listening. Transcribing audio by hand can be both time-consuming and prone to error, which is where transcription software comes in.


What are transcription and transcription software?

Audio transcription is the process of converting spoken content in an audio or video file into written text. This could include interviews, academic research, conversations, or even recordings of speeches. The resulting written text is called a transcript, which includes every word from the audio or video file. Audio transcription is a type of generative AI that is often used to make audio content more accessible or to create a written record of the spoken content. There are several different ways to transcribe audio, including using transcription software, hiring a professional transcriptionist, or transcribing the audio by hand. Manual transcribing can be time-consuming, especially for longer audio files. For example, it might take upwards of 4-6 hours to transcribe a one-hour audio file by hand, depending on the quality and complexity of the content. This can be a significant waste of time for businesses, which is why many opt for transcription software instead.

Transcription software is a specialized program that accurately transcribes audio and video files into electronic text, saving businesses time and effort compared to manual transcribing. Some programs also offer speech-to-text functionality for live events or dictation purposes.

Transcription software or a transcriber is a specialized computer program that can quickly and accurately transcribe audio and video files into electronic text. It can save businesses a lot of time and effort compared to manual transcribing. Some transcription software programs also offer speech-to-text functionality, which allows the user to transcribe spoken words in real time by using a microphone or other input device. This can be especially useful for transcribing live events or for dictation purposes. Overall, transcription software is a more efficient and cost-effective option for transcribing audio compared to manual transcribing or hiring a professional transcriptionist. 

Types of Transcription Software

There are several different types of transcription software available on the market, each with its own features and capabilities. Here are a few examples:

Automatic transcription software

This type of software uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to transcribe audio and video files. While automatic transcription software can be highly accurate, it may not always produce perfect results and may require some manual editing. However, automatic real-time transcription solutions have become more popular for organizations that want to transcribe live events, such as conferences, university lectures, and church sermons, in order to make them more accessible for attendees who are deaf or hard of hearing.

Professional transcription software

This type of software is typically used by transcriptionists and other professionals who transcribe audio and video content regularly. Professional transcription software often includes advanced features such as the ability to handle multiple speakers and multiple languages, as well as tools for formatting and editing transcripts.

Speech-to-text software

This type of software is designed to transcribe spoken words in real time, often by using a microphone or other input device. Speech-to-text software is often used for dictation or transcribing live events.

Many transcription software products now include audio intelligence capabilities, which allow the software to analyze, understand, and generate insights from audio data. This can include tasks such as speech recognition, language translation, speaker identification, sentiment analysis, and many more. These capabilities can improve the accuracy and efficiency of the transcription process, as well as provide additional features and functionality for users. 

How Does Transcription Software Work?

Transcription software often incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies to transcribe audio and video files accurately. AI can be used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the transcription process. For example, the software may be able to learn from previous transcriptions to better recognize and transcribe new audio or video files. In turn, NLP algorithms are used to recognize and transcribe spoken words in an audio or video file. The software may also use NLP to identify and classify different types of content, such as proper nouns or technical terms, to improve the accuracy of the transcription.

To use transcription software, the user first needs to upload an audio or video file to the program. The software then begins the transcription process by analyzing the file and separating it into distinct segments, usually by detecting pauses between words and sentences.

Next, the software processes each segment and attempts to identify the words that are spoken. This is done using a combination of natural language processing (NLP) algorithms and machine learning models that have been trained on large amounts of transcribed audio data. The software compares the identified words to a dictionary of known words and tries to match them to the correct spelling. It may also use contextual clues from the surrounding words to improve its accuracy.

Once the software has identified and correctly spelled the words, it converts them into written or electronic text, creating a transcript of the audio or video file. The transcript is then displayed on the screen for the user to review and edit, if necessary. In some cases, the software may also include additional features such as the ability to identify different speakers, generate time stamps for each spoken word, or provide formatting options for the final transcript.

For example, an interface can look like this: 

OneAI's interface

Some transcription software, like OneAI, also offer additional features, such as the ability to identify and label speakers automatically, transcribe multiple languages, extract sentiments, and create summaries, and many more. These tools are called Language Skills and can be used to build products, engage users and analyze data to bring businesses vast possibilities to grow and develop. 

Use cases of Transcription Software

Transcription software has a wide range of applications in a variety of industries. Here are just a few examples:

Journalism: Transcribe interviews and other audio or video content for use in news articles and other media.

Education: Create written transcripts of lectures and other educational content, making it more accessible to students who may prefer reading over listening.

Business: Transcribing meetings, conference calls, and other business communications to analyze them.

Legal: Transcribe court proceedings, depositions, and other legal proceedings.

Medicine: Transcribe patient records and other medical documentation.

Benefits of Transcription Software

  1. Time-saving: Transcribe audio and video files much faster than a human transcriptionist, saving a lot of time and effort.
  1. Accuracy: Transcription software is designed to be accurate, and many programs use artificial intelligence and natural language processing algorithms, as well as audio intelligence capabilities such as speech recognition, sentiment analysis, and extracting keywords to improve their accuracy over time.
  1. Cost-effective: Using Transcription software is generally more cost-effective than hiring a professional transcriptionist, especially for large volumes of audio or video content.
  1. Convenience: It can be used from any device with an internet connection, making it a convenient option for transcribing audio and video files.
  1. Flexibility: Many transcription software programs offer a range of features and customization options, such as the ability to transcribe multiple languages or identify different speakers.

Top API Transcription Software


AmberScript is a suite of software products that allow you to transform audio and video files into searchable text and subtitles. Create closed captions and subtitles to improve accessibility, and save money and time.


Otter is a transcription software designed to help businesses generate notes for meetings, interviews, and lectures through voice dictation or file transcription. The AI-enabled solution allows organizations to record, organize, and save voice notes and interactions in a centralized repository.


Sonix is an automated transcription, translation, and subtitle. Fast, accurate, affordable, and secure. Sonix is SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant. Sonix is not a typical transcription service, it’s an online transcription platform with auto speaker separation, and auto punctuation that supports multiple languages and many more. is a meeting transcription software powered by artificial intelligence. It allows companies to record, and live transcribe, using voice recognition technology.

After transcribing audio using analytics, you can highlight key points in the voice call, leave comments in the text document, and scan for keywords.


OneAI is the world's first product-ready NLP-as-a-Service platform.

Providing vertically pre-trained & use-case-ready language skills via APIs, we enable developers to seamlessly integrate mature Language capabilities into products, with immediate value and zero risk.

OneAI’s Audio Intelligence platform empowers businesses to automatically process audio and video into structured data that can produce summaries, generate live caption transcripts, extract sentiments and emotions, detect topics, and more. It combines speech-to-text & audio-intelligence capabilities in a single API call.


Transcription software has revolutionized the way we process and utilize audio and video content. By converting spoken words into written or electronic text, it has opened up a world of possibilities for businesses and individuals. From transcribing meetings and interviews to generate subtitles for videos, transcription software has a wide range of uses and is constantly evolving with the help of AI and NLP technologies. As the capabilities of transcription software continue to expand, it is likely to play an even more central role in the way we communicate and access information. Looking to the future, it is exciting to consider all the potential applications and possibilities that transcription software has to offer.

OneAI is at the forefront of this evolution, offering a range of tools and a reputation for accuracy and speed that makes it one of the best transcription software options available. With the use of case-ready API, and no-code Language Studio, OneAI enables developers to seamlessly embed language AI in their products, with no NLP/ML knowledge required. Check out the Studio or schedule a demo to learn more about all the possibilities you can gain for your business. 

Embrace Transcription Software Today!

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