Language AI
Plugin for
Google Sheets

// Google Sheets is a widely used spreadsheet program that is part of the Google Docs suite. With One AI's Language Skills, you can enhance your spreadsheets with advanced Language AI capabilities. Using this plugin, you can convert free text inputs of any language into data, such as dates, numbers, emotions, topics, summaries, action items and more.
Discover the Language Skills we offer and learn how to use them in your spreadsheet, or integrate them into your product or workflow, in our Language Studio and documentation.
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// Only 5% of the world's population speaks English as their native language. Most of One AI’s capabilities, including this plugin, are multilingual.


01/Converting Everyday Language to Time and Date Values

02/Converting Everyday Language to Numeric Values

03/Extracting Sentiment and Emotions

04/Generating a Headline and a Summary

Available Language AI Functions

Have Other Language AI Needs?

// We can help you create and fine-tune Language AI specifically for your needs
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