Business Center
Boost engagement, lead generation, and
customer support with your GPT agent
Drive Growth

Take charge of the conversation. Use your GPT chatbot agents to proactively steer users towards your business goals:

  • Question Answering: Arm your agent with the knowledge it needs to handle inquiries effectively.
  • Lead Generation & Qualification: Your agent will engage users in meaningful dialogue, nudging them towards conversion while collecting essential lead information.
  • User Onboarding: Define the steps your chatbot agent should follow to transform site visitors into loyal customers.
Manage Leads Efficiently
See the leads generated by your chatbot, with detailed information for each.
Enable CRM integration to automatically send generated leads into your sales pipeline. Review conversations between leads and your agent to gain deeper understanding and personalize future interactions.
Conversation Analytics
Measure the business outcomes of your chatbot and learn what your users are talking about. The Voice of the Customer dashboard aggregates thousands of interactions with your agent, to provide business insights and a clear picture of user intent.

AI Expert Onboarding Session

Start smart - schedule a free session with one of our AI experts to set up and configure your agent for success