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Comparing Titans: Generative AI Models & Biz-Ready Solutions

Olga Miroshnyk
Olga Miroshnyk
Apr 24, 2023
3 min read

TL;DR: Uncover how combining generative AI and NLP, using GPT-4, Titan Text, and other advanced solutions, can optimize your business. Explore their potential benefits and limitations, and their role in shaping the future of AI-powered success.

Introduction: What is generative AI and why is it important?

Generative AI is indeed an exciting subset of AI that has the potential to also reset the way businesses operate. As the adoption of generative AI continues to increase, the market for this technology is projected to experience substantial growth. According to Precedence Research, the global generative AI market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 27.02% from USD 10.79 billion in 2022 to USD 118.06 billion in 2032, indicating a significant market opportunity for businesses and individuals alike.

While generative AI can create engaging stories, music, art, and fashion pieces, its potential extends far beyond the creative realm. One of the most commonly known applications of generative AI in the business world is chatbots. However, the possibilities of what generative AI can do for businesses are endless. From understanding trends and predicting markets to creating a business strategy worth billions of dollars, the benefits are vast.

However, as businesses and product companies adopt generative AI capabilities, they must consider the risks involved. The main challenge lies in the limitations of the Language Models used for Generative AI. These limitations can cause inaccuracies and inconsistent results, leading to unreliable systems. Fortunately, the solution lies in combining Generative AI with other NLP solutions to achieve more robust and reliable systems that can handle a variety of tasks and domains.

In this article, we will discuss the latest trends in Generative AI, popular Language Models, their limitations, and the solution provided by OneAI for businesses to overcome these limitations and create a comprehensive AI system tailored and trained specifically for their needs.


Generative AI trends: What are some of the most popular and innovative generative AI models and what can they do?

Lately, the term LLM (Large Language Model) has become increasingly popular among tech enthusiasts and business owners alike. A Language Model is a type of artificial intelligence model that specializes in understanding, generating, and predicting natural language. While there are many different types of LLMs available, this article will focus on those that excel in language-related tasks as they are particularly valuable to businesses due to their ability to perform tasks such as language translation, content generation, and sentiment analysis with remarkable accuracy and efficiency. Each of these models has its own unique strengths and can be applied to a wide variety of business use cases, from generating high-quality content to powering customer service chatbots.


GPT-3 and GPT-4 are large language models developed by OpenAI that can generate text for various natural language tasks such as summarization, translation, dialogue, and more. GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters and is one of the largest neural networks available. GPT-4 is even more advanced and capable than GPT-3, with potentially 100 trillion parameters. GPT-4 can also accept both text and image inputs and generate text outputs, showcasing human-level performance on an array of professional and academic benchmarks. GPT-3 and GPT-4 are used by companies such as Microsoft, Reddit, Spotify, and Salesforce.


LaMDA is a large conversational language model developed by Google. It stands for Language Model for Dialogue Applications. LaMDA is built on the Transformer architecture and trained on human dialogue and stories, allowing it to engage in open-ended conversations about various topics. LaMDA can also access multiple symbolic text processing systems, such as a database, a clock, a calculator, and a translator, to enhance its accuracy and capabilities. Famous BARD, an experimental conversational AI service, is powered by LaMDA. Google claims that LaMDA can produce responses that are sensible, interesting, and specific to the context. 

Titan Text

Titan Text is a large language model developed by Amazon that can generate text for tasks such as summarization (for example extracting key points from an article), text generation (for example creating a blog post), classification (for example identifying the sentiment of a review), open-ended Q&A (for example answering questions based on a passage), and information extraction (for example extracting entities or relations from a text). Titan Text is part of Amazon’s Bedrock generative AI service, which offers access to various foundation models for text and images via an API. Titan Text is designed for corporate customers who want to incorporate AI into their businesses and customize it with their own data.


RoBERTa is a Language Model developed by Facebook AI. It is an optimized method for pretraining self-supervised natural language processing systems. Roberta improves on BERT, Google’s self-supervised method for pretraining natural language processing systems. RoBERTa was trained on a dataset of 160GB of text, which is more than 10 times larger than the dataset used to train BERT. Additionally, RoBERTa uses a dynamic masking technique during training that helps the model learn more robust and generalizable representations of words. RoBERTa includes additional pre-training improvements that achieve state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks, using only unlabeled text from the web.


Cohere is a company that builds high-performance, secure language models for the enterprise. Cohere offers two types of language models: generation and representation. The generation models can produce text for various tasks such as content generation, summarization, and search. The representation models can map text to a semantic vector space (also known as embeddings) that supports 100+ languages and delivers 3X better performance than existing open-source models. Cohere provides a user-friendly API and platform that allows customers to customize and integrate language models into their applications.


Bloom is a large language model developed by Bloom AI that can generate text for various natural language tasks such as content creation (for example writing blog posts), summarization (for example creating bullet points), rewriting (for example improving grammar), optimization (for example increasing SEO), and more. Bloom has 200 billion parameters and is trained on over 100 terabytes of data from the internet. Bloom claims to be faster, cheaper, and more accurate than other large language models such as GPT-3. Bloom also offers a user-friendly interface that allows customers to customize and integrate the language model into their applications.

The Ogres of language technology

 Pathways Language Model (PaLM) and Megatron-Turing Natural Language Generation (MT-NLG)! These fearsome beasts of the AI world are renowned for their unparalleled prowess in natural language processing and generation. PaLM, with its massive 2.6 billion parameter capacity, is a true giant among Ogres, capable of generating incredibly fluent and coherent text. Meanwhile, MT-NLG boasts a whopping 530 billion parameters, making it one of the largest and most powerful Ogres in existence. Together, these mighty Ogres represent a formidable force in the world of language technology, capable of tackling the most challenging language-related tasks with ease.

Generative AI challenges: What are some limitations and risks of using generative AI models for business purposes?

For organizations looking to extract maximum value from generative AI, it is essential to understand the basics of this technology. While generative AI models such as GPT-3/GPT-4 have garnered considerable attention for their impressive capabilities, they also have their limitations and risks. Let’s talk about them.


GPT-3 and GPT-4 are not perfect and can sometimes make errors or produce outputs that are not ideal. For example, they may generate biased or offensive language if they are trained on biased or offensive data.

Another potential reliability issue with GPT-3 and GPT-4 is their tendency to generate outputs that are technically correct but semantically nonsensical or irrelevant to the input prompt. This is a known issue with large language models in general and can be especially problematic in certain applications.


The large size of LLMs makes it difficult to scale them effectively. They require a lot of computing resources to run, which can make them very slow and difficult to use in real-time applications that require quick responses.

This is a problem for enterprises, which often need language models that can handle large amounts of data and work across multiple platforms. Therefore, companies may need to invest in additional resources, such as more powerful computers or cloud services, to scale these models effectively.


Integrating LLMs, like GPT-3, for example, into existing enterprise systems can be challenging because these models require significant computing resources and may not be compatible with existing infrastructure. This means that companies may need to invest in additional resources and make changes to their current systems in order to effectively integrate these models.


Enterprises often have specific language processing needs for their business applications that may not be fully addressed by pre-trained models like GPT-3 and GPT-4. In such cases, companies require models that can be fine-tuned or customized to their specific use cases. Fine-tuning is the process of taking a pre-trained model like GPT-3 and updating it with additional data that is specific to the enterprise's use case.


Transparency remains a critical concern because it can be difficult to understand why the model produced a specific output or which data it used to make its decision.

This lack of transparency can pose challenges for interpreting and auditing these models, which are important for ensuring that the models are making accurate and ethical decisions. For example, if a language model generates an inappropriate or harmful output, it is important to be able to identify the reason behind this decision and take corrective action.

OneAI solution: How does OneAI solve these challenges by offering curated and tuned generative AI solutions for businesses?

Generative AI and natural language processing (NLP) are two separate branches of artificial intelligence (AI) that can be combined to create a comprehensive AI system. Generative AI focuses on creating new and original content, while NLP deals with understanding and processing human language.

By combining these two technologies, businesses can create a powerful AI system that is tailored and trained specifically for their needs. For example, a business could use generative AI to create original content for their website or marketing materials, while using NLP to analyze customer feedback and improve their customer service.

This approach offers several benefits. First, by creating a customized AI system, businesses can achieve faster time-to-market and lower costs, as they do not need to develop their own AI algorithms from scratch. Second, by leveraging existing NLP solutions, businesses can ensure that their AI system is built on a foundation of proven technology and expertise.

Finally, combining generative AI with other NLP solutions also offers greater scalability, as businesses can easily scale their AI system to handle larger volumes of data and more complex tasks. This can help businesses to remain competitive in today's fast-paced business environment by allowing them to quickly adapt to changing market demands and customer needs.

Combining Generative AI and OneAI can address the limitations we discussed in the following ways:

Reliability: We take pride in delivering reliable solutions with consistent and predictable output, free from hallucinations and factual errors. Our commitment to transparency, explainability, and alignment with source documents helps prevent biased or harmful content. We optimize both the tuning process and long-term performance, with a focus on cost, speed, and carbon footprint. Additionally, we provide 100% control over data and privacy, ensuring your information is secure and protected.

Scalability: At OneAI, we believe that converting language data (text, audio, and video) into structured, actionable insights is the key to serving customers better at scale. With our Fast Time-to-Market (TTM) and low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), we do it very quickly and efficiently, saving you both time and money.

Our Language Skills are optimized to be compact, rapid, and scalable, ensuring that they can be deployed effectively. 

We also offer a Multilingual AI feature that allows businesses to communicate with customers in multiple languages, increasing customer engagement and satisfaction. So, whether you're dealing with a few dozen or millions of customers, OneAI's solutions can adapt to your needs and help you scale your business effectively.

Integration: OneAI not only provides generative AI capabilities but also enables easy conversion of everyday language into structured, actionable data that can be integrated into products and services. Our AI models are pre-trained and packaged in an API that is user-friendly and can be easily integrated into workflows and applications. OneAI's NLP-as-a-Service platform is designed to be quickly incorporated into any CRM system in just a matter of days, allowing for a smooth implementation of Generative AI and OneAI into existing enterprise systems. 

Customization: OneAI's Custom Skill platform allows for quick customization and fine-tuning of existing Language Skills or the development of entirely new ones. This means that businesses can fine-tune pre-trained models to their specific needs or develop entirely new models, making them more customized and tailored to their unique use cases.

Transparency: OneAI is committed to providing transparent and explainable AI solutions that enable businesses to gain insights and detect recurring themes from their language data. Our Language Analytics feature clusters language data based on meaning, enhancing the transparency of our models and allowing businesses to understand the reasons behind specific outputs. With our solutions, you can be sure that your models are free from bias or harmful content, and you can easily identify the data on which they were based

Conclusion: What are the benefits of using OneAI for generative AI solutions and what are the future prospects?

The potential of Generative AI is vast and exciting with many other exciting prospects on the horizon. While Language Models used for Generative AI have their limitations, such as the potential for inaccuracies and inconsistencies, the answer lies in marrying Generative AI with other NLP solutions to create more robust and reliable systems. Enter OneAI -  the ultimate solution for businesses looking to create a comprehensive and highly customized AI system specifically designed to suit their needs.

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