What is the parent company of XL Recordings?
Which artists have worked with XL Recordings?
Which artists has XL Recordings worked with?
What genres does XL Recordings operate across?
When was XL Recordings founded?
Who founded XL Recordings?
What was the focus of XL Recordings' releases in the 1980s and 1990s?
What was the debut solo record released by XL Recordings?
Who has run and co-owned XL Recordings since 1996?
Where is the new recording studio of XL Recordings located?
Which album was XL Recordings' first UK number one?
Which two artists were added to XL Recordings in March 2008?
Which albums transferred to XL Recordings in April 2016?
Which artist released the album 21 on XL Recordings?
Which Radiohead album was released through XL Recordings?