What is Wieden+Kennedy?
What is the agency of record for Wieden+Kennedy?
Where is Wieden+Kennedy headquartered?
Who founded Wieden+Kennedy?
What offices has Wieden+Kennedy added over the years?
Which campaign earned Wieden+Kennedy the title of agency of the year in 2009?
When was Wieden+Kennedy founded?
When did Wieden+Kennedy start exploring original programming?
Which agency was named agency of the year in 2010 by both Creativity and AdAge?
Which agency was named the most-awarded agency in the world in 2002?
Which advertising agency has added offices in New York City, London, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Tokyo, Delhi, and São Paulo?
Which television ads for Nike have won Emmy Awards?
Which two television ads for Nike have won Emmy Awards?
Which two television ads for Nike won Emmy Awards?
What were the two Nike ads that won Emmy Awards?