What is the current ranking of Wendy's among hamburger fast-food chains?
What is Wendy's known for?
What type of hamburgers does Wendy's serve?
What is the Wendy's menu primarily composed of?
What are the main items on the Wendy's menu?
What are some of the items on the Wendy's menu?
What was the name of the fried chicken chain founded by Wendy's?
What types of hamburger patties does Wendy's offer?
Where is Wendy's headquartered?
When did Wendy's announce a partnership with DoorDash for food delivery in the U.S.?
What character did Wendy's create for their advertising campaign?
Does Wendy's offer chicken sandwiches?
What is the history of Wendy's chili?
Where did Wendy's expand its operations globally from 1988 to 1990?
What unique food items does Wendy's offer?