Where can a person be served?
What information is needed to obtain change of address information or boxholder information?
What is the purpose for which the address information can be used?
Is there a statewide licensing law for private detectives in Illinois?
Who can be appointed by the court to serve original process?
What is the Uniform Interstate Deposition and Discovery Act (UIDDA)?
Where should the request for subpoena and required documents be filed?
Where can I find helpful links related to subpoenas in different states?
What if the person cannot be found or is evasive?
How can our expert staff help with domesticating an out of state subpoena?
How can I contact We Serve Law for more information?
Where should the request for issuance of subpoena and required documents be filed?
Where should the required documents be filed to domesticate a foreign subpoena in Washington?
What documents need to be filed with the Clerk of the Georgia Superior Court to domesticate a foreign subpoena?
Can a local attorney domesticate an out of state subpoena without court involvement?