What is notable about Tolstoy's narrative structure in War and Peace?
What sources did Tolstoy use to write War and Peace?
What did Tolstoy say about the classification of War and Peace?
Is War and Peace a Russian novel?
From which work may Tolstoy have borrowed the title 'War and Peace'?
Which Russian writers supported War and Peace?
When did Tolstoy start writing War and Peace?
What was Tolstoy's opinion of the first version of War and Peace?
Why did Tolstoy use French dialogue in War and Peace?
Who praised War and Peace as the best ever Russian historical novel?
Who are the principal characters in War and Peace?
How did Turgenev describe Tolstoy and War and Peace in his article?
Who is the translator of the abridged version of War and Peace?
What is the genre of War and Peace?
Who wrote War and Peace?