What is the mother tongue of Finland's majority population?
What can Old Norse place names and words found in their former sphere of influence shed light on?
What is the ISBN of the book by Gwyn Jones?
What is the history of the Vikings?
Was there Russian admixture in the Bodzia man?
Was there a foreign gene flow into Scandinavia during the Viking Age?
What is the title of the article written by Byron Rom-Jensen?
What did the Vikings do in 821 according to the Annals of Ulster?
What is the historical relationship between Gotland and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs?
What is the book 'The Viking World' about?
What is the definition of 'Russ' according to the OED?
Where was the first European settlement founded by Erik the Red?
What are some archaeological cultures in France?
What is the book 'English Historical Documents' about?