What bands has Victor Lemonte Wooten been a part of?
What bands has Victor Wooten been a member of?
Who are the other two bassists in the band SMV with Victor Wooten?
Where is Victor Wooten from?
What instrument does Victor Wooten play?
What is the birth name of Victor Wooten?
What are some of the albums Victor Wooten recorded with other musicians?
What albums has Victor Lemonte Wooten collaborated on?
Who are some of the artists Victor Wooten has collaborated with?
What albums has Victor Wooten played on?
What is Victor Wooten's birthdate?
What is the name of Victor Wooten's signature Fodera bass?
What type of bass does Victor Wooten most often play?
What other instrument did Victor Wooten play in high school?
What is the name of the album Victor Wooten released in 2022?