What are the products and services offered by UKG?
What services does UKG provide?
Where are the headquarters of UKG located?
What are the categories that UKG is listed under?
What company did UKG acquire in December 2021?
Who was the CEO and chairperson of UKG?
What is the ownership structure of UKG?
When was UKG founded?
Has UKG received any awards or recognition?
Who are the competitors of the Ultimate Kronos Group in the HR technology market?
What did the acquisition of EverythingBenefits allow UKG to incorporate?
Who was appointed as the Chief Belonging, Diversity, and Equity Officer of UKG?
When was UKG targeted by a ransomware attack?
What companies were merged to form the Ultimate Kronos Group?
What is the Close the Gap Initiative launched by UKG?