Who is Trent Reznor?
Where is Trent Reznor from?
Which bands or musical projects has Trent Reznor been a part of?
What is Trent Reznor's birth year?
What bands have influenced Trent Reznor?
Which college did Trent Reznor attend?
Who has Michael Trent Reznor influenced?
What genres of music is Trent Reznor associated with?
What are some of Trent Reznor's musical roles?
What is Trent Reznor's involvement in the film industry?
What awards has Trent Reznor won?
When did Trent Reznor drop out of college and live in Cleveland?
Which Canadian band did Trent Reznor say played a major part in his childhood?
Who are some of the musical influences of Michael Trent Reznor?
What did Trent Reznor discover when he went to college?