What does ThoughtWire help hospitals with?
What is ThoughtWire's Ambiant platform used for?
When was ThoughtWire founded?
Who recognized ThoughtWire as a Smart Innovator for Digital Twins in Buildings?
Who is ThoughtWire partnered with on a project at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute?
Why did ThoughtWire start their journey in hospitals?
What is ThoughtWire's mission?
What is the focus of ThoughtWire's IIoT platform?
What is the goal of ThoughtWire's collaboration with Hamilton Health Sciences?
What is ThoughtWire's partnership with Schneider Electric?
How does ThoughtWire Technology connect IoT devices, systems, and data?
What is ThoughtWire's platform Ambiant used for in hospitals around Canada?
What is the goal of ThoughtWire's IIoT platform?
What are the core services provided by ThoughtWire Technology?
What is a Smart Building Digital Twin?