How do Certified Massage Therapists customize therapeutic sessions?
Does The Wellness Center MN provide training to its employees to prevent illicit activity?
What is the age requirement for receiving massage therapy or float therapy services?
What is the cancellation policy for appointments at The Wellness Center MN?
Who is financially responsible for all charges?
What is the age requirement for receiving massage therapy or float therapy services at The Wellness Center MN?
What is Myofascial Release massage?
What should I wear during a float session?
Who currently leads The Wellness Center MN?
Who must be present to help complete the Health History Form for a minor or vulnerable adult?
Are there any exceptions to the cancellation policy for illness or emergencies?
Who founded The Wellness Center MN?
Does The Wellness Center MN provide massage therapy or float therapy services to minors?
What are the conditions that prevent someone from using the float pod?
What are the benefits of Orange Essential Oil?