What is the plot of The Satanic Verses?
Who is the author of The Satanic Verses?
Who were some of the influences on The Satanic Verses?
What is the controversy surrounding The Satanic Verses?
What is the satiric nature of The Satanic Verses?
What are the recurring names of the characters in The Satanic Verses?
When was The Satanic Verses first published?
What concepts does The Satanic Verses confront for migrants?
What are the satanic verses in the dream sequence?
Who saw the reaction to the Satanic Verses controversy as ironic?
How does Rushdie organize his work in The Satanic Verses?
Who named The Satanic Verses as Rushdie's largest aesthetic achievement?
What is the significance of the city of Jahilia in The Satanic Verses?
What were the consequences of the book's perceived blasphemy?
What happens during the pilgrimage to Mecca in the dream sequence?