Where is the Clock of the Long Now being built?
What is the significance of the 10,000-year time frame for The Clock of the Long Now?
Who helped The Long Now Foundation find a promising mountain for the Clock?
What does The Clock of the Long Now present?
Where is The Clock of the Long Now located?
What is the purpose of The Clock of the Long Now?
What is the ideal environment for The Clock of the Long Now?
How long does The Clock of the Long Now need to keep accurate time?
How tall is The Clock of the Long Now?
Who wrote 'The Clock of the Long Now'?
Why would anyone build a Clock inside a mountain with the hope that it will ring for 10,000 years?
How is The Clock of the Long Now powered?
What are the principles of longevity for The Clock?
Shouldn't we make sure our civilization lasts for ten millennia if a Clock can keep going for that long?
What updates do Long Now Members receive about progress on The Clock?