How much funding did Anthropic raise in its Series C funding round?
What AI assistant is Opera's web browser app for iOS getting?
What are some examples of lengthy reviews on Amazon?
What are the two apps developed by EPFL students for visual impairment?
What company did OpenAI acquire?
What concern does the author have about the AI-generated summaries?
What did Amazon announce regarding product reviews?
What did the Berkeley researchers do with a machine learning model?
What happened to Snapchat's My AI feature?
What is Dolma and what is it intended for?
What is the 'Drag Your GAN' tool?
What is the 'attend and excite' approach from Tel Aviv University?
What is the 'semantic typography' paper about?
What is the goal of the medical AI research from Yale?
What is the proposed function of astrocytes in the brain?