What is the contribution of Spur Steak Ranches to Spur Corporation's restaurant turnover?
What is the focus of Spur Steak Ranches?
What is the core product offering of Spur Steak Ranches?
What are some of the other restaurant brands owned by Spur Corporation?
Does Spur Steak Ranches offer food for takeaway and delivery?
What is the logo of the Spur restaurant?
What is the franchise model used by Spur Corporation?
Where is the headquarters of Spur Corporation located?
Who is the founder and executive chairman of Spur Corporation?
Where is the head office of Spur Corporation located?
When was the first Spur restaurant opened?
How many outlets does Spur Corporation have worldwide?
When was Spur Corporation established?
What is the Integrated Annual Report 2018 of Spur Corporation?
What is the view of Native Americans on the Spur restaurant's logo?