Who is Paul the Apostle?
What is the main source of information on Paul's life and works?
Who is Paul and what is his significance in the New Testament?
What is the source of information on Paul's life and works?
What are some other views on Paul the Apostle?
When did Paul live as a Pharisee and participate in the persecution of early disciples of Jesus?
What books are mentioned in the documentation as sources of information on Paul?
What are the main sources of information about Paul's life?
What is Paul's influence on Christian thinking?
What is the historical view of Jewish interest in Paul?
What is the role of Paul in modern theology and church services?
How is Paul's countenance described in The History of the Contending of Saint Paul?
What is Paul's background before his conversion?
What are some of the key teachings of Paul?
How does the view of Paul in the Acts of the Apostles differ from Paul's own writings?