What is the film Requiem for a Dream about?
Who directed the film Requiem for a Dream?
When was the film Requiem for a Dream released?
What is Requiem for a Dream based on?
Who directed Requiem for a Dream?
Who are the main actors in Requiem for a Dream?
What are some categories that Requiem for a Dream falls under?
Who considered Requiem for a Dream the second-best film of the decade?
What was the response from critics to Requiem for a Dream?
What did Roger Ebert think of Requiem for a Dream?
When did Requiem for a Dream premiere at the Cannes Film Festival?
Where was the film Requiem for a Dream filmed?
What was the rating of Requiem for a Dream in the United Kingdom?
When did Requiem for a Dream have its wide release?
Who wrote the novel Requiem for a Dream?