What is the film Ratatouille about?
Where is the film 'Ratatouille' set?
What is the genre of the film 'Ratatouille'?
When was the film 'Ratatouille' released?
Who directed the film 'Ratatouille'?
Who directed the film Ratatouille?
Who wrote and directed the film 'Ratatouille'?
What are Remy's dreams in Ratatouille?
Who directed Ratatouille?
What was the content of the trailer for Ratatouille?
What other films did Ratatouille top at the box office when it opened?
What other movies were released around the same time as Ratatouille?
What aspects of Ratatouille received critical acclaim?
When did Ratatouille premiere?
What was shown before Ratatouille in theaters?