What is Pearl Harbor?
What is the current use of Pearl Harbor?
Where is Pearl Harbor located?
What treaty allowed the United States to establish a coaling and repair station at Pearl Harbor?
Who visited Pearl Harbor before it was acquired by the U.S.?
When did the U.S. government obtain exclusive use of Pearl Harbor?
When did the U.S. government first obtain exclusive use of Pearl Harbor?
When did the United States Navy establish a base on the island of Pearl Harbor?
What was Pearl Harbor called before it became an extensive shallow embayment?
When did the U.S. acquire Pearl Harbor?
When did the United States take possession of Pearl Harbor?
When did Pearl Harbor become a main base for the US Pacific Fleet after World War II?
When did the United States obtain exclusive rights to enter Pearl Harbor?
Was Pearl Harbor fortified as a naval base during the reign of King Kalākaua?
When was Pearl Harbor attacked by the Imperial Japanese Navy?