Did Jesus fulfill the messianic prophecies in the Tanakh according to Judaism?
Who did Jesus appear to on the road to Damascus?
In what language were the New Testament books written?
What is the Mishneh Torah's view on Jesus?
Who was crucified in Jesus' stead according to some interpretations?
What is the role of icons in Eastern Orthodox tradition?
What is the significance of the resurrection and miracles of Jesus in the Baháʼí Faith?
What did Flavius Josephus write about Jerusalem?
Is there any mention of Jesus' resurrection in Islamic beliefs?
What are some categories that Jesus is associated with?
What is the Shroud of Turin and why is it significant?
What do scholars say about the existence of Jesus?
What is the book 'The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature' about?
Do all scholars accept the existence of a historical Jesus?
Who rejected the interpretation of Quran 4:157–159?