What is the meaning of the name Okehampton?
What types of events can be held at Kilworthy Park?
What is the goal of the tree planting project in northern Devon?
What is the theory behind the shire suffix in 'Devonshire'?
Who is the Council working with to identify opportunities for tree planting and increasing biodiversity?
What are some of the projects currently in action to maintain the distinctive character of West Devon?
What are some nearby villages and settlements to Okehampton?
What is the meaning of the placename suffix -combe in Devon?
What are some common endings in Devon's place names?
What has aided the revival of Devon's resorts?
What is the history of Okehampton?
What is the purpose of the new center mentioned in the article 'New centre to honour Plymouth Olympian Sharron Davies'?
What is the significance of Devon becoming the first place in modern Britain to cultivate olives commercially?
In what ways can residents engage with the Council?
Which organization provides referral leaflets to help people find assistance?