How are tax liabilities and tax receivables valued?
What was the growth rate for comparable units in 2014?
How are acquired businesses accounted for in the consolidated financial statements?
What is Erika Falkemark's background and previous experience?
Vad innebär det att Burger King ska erbjuda en bred meny?
What are Jens Engwall's current board assignments outside the NSP group?
What is the purpose of Colonel's Scholars program?
What are the guidelines for determining the salary and other compensation for the CEO and other executive positions?
What rights does a tenant have in case of termination of a lease agreement?
What standards were used to prepare the financial statements?
What is Johan Persson's aktieinnehav?
How is the company's internal control environment defined?
What changes in laws and regulations can have a significant impact on NSP's operations, financial position, and results?
What is Johan Persson responsible for as Chief Operating Officer?
How is 'Driftsmarginal' calculated?