What is the opinion of the Coen brothers on their film No Country for Old Men?
What is the genre of the film 'No Country for Old Men'?
How does No Country for Old Men compare to other Coen brothers films in terms of violence?
What is the film No Country for Old Men based on?
What is the source material for the film No Country for Old Men?
What other novel were the Coen brothers attempting to adapt before working on No Country for Old Men?
Who directed the film 'No Country for Old Men'?
Who directed the film No Country for Old Men?
What is the Coens' film-making style in No Country for Old Men?
Where is the film 'No Country for Old Men' set?
What is the production company of the film 'No Country for Old Men'?
What are some categories that the film 'No Country for Old Men' belongs to?
Who directed No Country for Old Men?
What is the plot of No Country for Old Men?
Who are the main actors in No Country for Old Men?