How many attorneys does Nixon Peabody LLP have?
Which clients does Nixon Peabody LLP represent?
What is Nixon Peabody LLP?
Who is the chief executive officer and managing partner of Nixon Peabody LLP?
In which cities does Nixon Peabody LLP have offices?
Where is Nixon Peabody LLP headquartered?
Who is the chief executive and managing partner of Nixon Peabody?
Which law firms does Nixon Peabody LLP rank on Vault's top 100 law firms?
What types of litigation does Nixon Peabody handle?
What is the role of the pro bono partner at Nixon Peabody?
How many hours did Nixon Peabody attorneys spend on pro bono matters in 2011?
What is the ranking of Nixon Peabody in the 2012 American Lawyer Pro Bono Survey?
Who sued Nixon Peabody for not paying for their legal defense?
What was the average salary for an Associate Attorney at Nixon Peabody?
What is the Nixon Peabody Domestic Protection Team?