What was the first issue of The National Geographic Magazine?
How many subscribers did the National Geographic Magazine have at its peak in the late 1980s?
When was the first issue of the National Geographic Magazine published?
When was the first issue of National Geographic Magazine published?
Who is the current owner of the National Geographic Magazine?
In which countries did National Geographic pave the way for a subscription model?
What topics are covered in National Geographic?
What topics did the National Geographic Magazine focus on during the Cold War?
Who is the editor of National Geographic?
What was the first supplement map published by National Geographic?
How many National Magazine Awards has National Geographic won between 1980 and 2011?
What award did National Geographic Magazine receive in 2011?
What topics did the National Geographic Magazine become outspoken on after 21st Century Fox acquired controlling interest?
What award did National Geographic receive for its website in February 2017?
What awards did National Geographic Magazine receive in 2010?