What are the purposes for which MyEasyFarm collects personal data?
Quelle est la base légale du traitement de la relation client/SAV ?
What actions can MyEasyFarm take if the client violates the terms of the subscription?
How can I integrate WAGO with MyEasyFarm?
Quelles sont les durées de conservation des principales données appliquées par MyEasyFarm ?
How long are the collected data retained?
What is WAGO?
What is the legal basis for collecting and processing customer account and order information?
What information does WAGO provide for irrigation management?
Who is the data controller for MyEasyFarm?
What are the obligations of MyEasyFarm regarding data processing?
What is the purpose of technical cookies?
Quels sont les labels Bas Carbone pris en charge par MyEasyCarbon ?
What is the purpose of creating an account?
Quels matériels agricoles sont compatibles avec MyEasyFarm ?