Who can be contacted for questions about the Cayman tax?
How will the founder be taxed on undistributed profit of a legal construction?
What are the three things included in the Cayman tax?
How often does the definition of a legal construction need to be verified?
Was actual taxation required under previous legislation for exemption from the Cayman tax?
When does the new law on carrying over holidays come into force?
What are the required conditions for the temporary increase in the 180-hour limit?
When will the Framework Agreement on cross-border telework enter into force?
What was the previous requirement for the Cayman tax to apply to investment funds?
Under what conditions can distributions made by a legal construction be exempted from the Cayman tax?
What is the purpose of the cookies used on the Mazars Belgium website?
How can the exercise of a substantial economic activity affect taxation?
Is compensatory rest granted for relance hours?
Who can be contacted for more information on the new regulation on annual holidays?
What is the deadline for filing the Belgian non-resident income tax return for assessment year 2023?