What is Luciano Pavarotti known for?
What was Luciano Pavarotti's occupation?
What is the discography of Luciano Pavarotti?
What are some of Luciano Pavarotti's notable recordings?
When was Luciano Pavarotti born?
What awards and honors did Luciano Pavarotti receive?
What honors and awards did Luciano Pavarotti receive?
When did Luciano Pavarotti die?
When and where did Luciano Pavarotti die?
What are some of Luciano Pavarotti's best-selling music artists?
When did Luciano Pavarotti achieve his major breakthrough in the United States?
What causes did Luciano Pavarotti promote?
What are the categories that Luciano Pavarotti belongs to?
What awards did Luciano Pavarotti receive?
What was Luciano Pavarotti's technique described as?