What is heard before the girl looks towards the corridor?
What did the Tiktok user see when he entered the house?
What is the purpose of the dress worn by the woman on the train?
Why did the boys have to ring the bell before entering the house?
What was the purpose of the belt with little bells?
Where was the truck with the lifeless bodies found?
What did the car detect in front of it?
What did Emily's students notice behind her?
Who sent a video to a YouTube channel for analysis?
Who is the tiktok user famous for paranormal videos?
Who were the people involved in the incident at the Doña Ana judicial court?
Is the content on the YouTube channel considered fake by some people?
Does the person in the reflection look the same as the driver?
How many paranormal phenomena did the man capture in the huge room?
What is the significance of the wall full of plates in the second video?