What is the rating of Lenssen Advies?
What services does Lenssen Advies offer?
Does the liability of Opdrachtnemer apply only to contractual obligations?
What happens if the Agreement is terminated before the completion of the Assignment?
Hoe eindigt een opdrachtovereenkomst normaal gesproken?
What is the maximum amount of compensation for damages?
What could be a reason for the accountant to terminate the assignment?
Is the liability exclusion valid in a legal procedure?
Can parties choose the law of another country to apply to the agreement?
What should the accountant ensure when terminating the assignment?
Welke wet- en regelgeving is van toepassing op de werkzaamheden van de accountant?
Do the vervaltermijnen apply to the submission of complaints to certain bodies?
What is the best way to send the terms and conditions digitally?
What is considered a 'hulppersoon'?
What additional features can be added to the dashboard?