What was Lee 'Scratch' Perry's occupation?
What are some categories that Lee 'Scratch' Perry is associated with?
When and where did Lee 'Scratch' Perry die?
When was Lee 'Scratch' Perry born?
What are some external links related to Lee 'Scratch' Perry?
When and where was Lee 'Scratch' Perry born?
What did Lee Scratch Perry prefer to do instead of working?
What did Lee 'Scratch' Perry prefer to do instead of working?
When was Lee Scratch Perry born?
Where was Lee Scratch Perry born?
What is the title of Lee 'Scratch' Perry's album released in 2016?
What is the title of Lee 'Scratch' Perry's album released in 2014?
What is the title of Lee 'Scratch' Perry's album released in 2018?
What is the title of Lee 'Scratch' Perry's album released in 2012?
What is the title of the book written by David Katz about Lee 'Scratch' Perry?