What skilled trades are mentioned in the documentation?
Did Alex have prior experience with computers?
What skills did Alex have to learn after being out of school for 10 years?
Who were the individuals and organizations involved in making the trip possible?
Who is Rian Ferria and what is her role in Last Mile Education Fund?
Who performs tasks related to event organization and other functions of LMEF?
What is the specific field of study for Alex F.?
Who are the strategic partners of Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS)?
What is Edith Clarke known for in electrical engineering?
What inspired Rian Walker to pursue a career in technology?
What are the physical science majors included in the documentation?
Who is Dr. Myriam Sarachik?
Who inspired the creation of the Last Mile Education Fund?
What organization is Sherrika Sanders a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Board Member for?
How can faculty or community members recommend a cybersecurity student?