What is the engine and transmission of the Lada Riva?
What engine modifications were made to the Lada Riva in 1992?
What models of Lada Riva were available?
What are the popular names for the different models of the Lada Riva?
Where was the Riva still in production and sold as the Lada Classic?
When did Russian production of the Lada Riva end?
What is the Lada Riva?
What are the mechanical features of the Lada Riva?
Where was the last Lada Classic car produced?
When was the Lada Riva released in Western European markets?
What are some other variants of the Lada Riva?
What are the official designations of the Lada Riva in the home market?
What were the improvements made to the 2107 version of the Lada Riva?
What are the different names and markets the Lada Riva is sold under?
When was the Lada Riva introduced?