Who founded Kylie Cosmetics?
What is the value of Kylie Cosmetics in 2018 and 2019?
What inspired Kylie Jenner to create her brand?
Which retail stores sold Kylie Cosmetics products in November 2017?
What was the first non-collaborative collection released by Kylie Cosmetics?
Which makeup line was Kylie Cosmetics accused of copying?
What collaboration will Kylie Cosmetics release on October 19, 2022?
What negative feedback did Kylie Cosmetics receive for their Skin Concealer?
What controversy surrounded Kylie Cosmetics' line of blushes?
What criticism did Kylie Cosmetics face regarding the inclusivity of their concealer line?
Who did Kylie collaborate with for the KylieXBalmain collection?
Who named Kylie Jenner as the world's youngest 'self made' billionaire?
What was Kylie Jenner's net worth according to Forbes in April 2020?
What was the backlash Kylie Cosmetics received for their luxury makeup brushes?
What collaboration did Kylie Cosmetics release for Christmas in 2020?