When was Kohler Co. founded?
When did Kohler Co. acquire Sterling Faucet Company?
Where is Kohler Co. headquartered?
What other businesses does Kohler Co. own?
What is Kohler Co. primarily known for?
What products does Kohler Co. manufacture?
What is the name of the non-profit organization affiliated with Kohler Co.?
What products did Kohler Co. add to the Sterling brand?
Who is the current president of Kohler Co.?
What is the name of Kohler's hospitality and real estate group?
What types of products does Kohler manufacture?
What other companies are part of the Kohler Interiors division?
What was the court case brought against Kohler Co. in 1999?
When did David Kohler become the president of Kohler Co.?
What products does Kohler sell?