What is Justice for Tenants Ltd's approach to slavery and human trafficking in its supply chain?
How can organizations benefit from Justice For Tenants' training?
How does Justice For Tenants work with solicitors?
What services are provided by Justice For Tenants to local authorities?
What avenues are provided for staff to raise concerns about slavery or human trafficking?
What activities does Justice For Tenants participate in to protect tenants?
What has Justice For Tenants been working on?
Does Justice for Tenants Ltd enter into business with organizations involved in slavery?
What actions will Justice For Tenants take in case of discrimination or harassment?
What is the role of the local housing authority in adopting a Financial Penalty policy?
What training has Justice For Tenants provided to government and council staff?
Who can local authorities contact for support with Financial Penalty policies and training?
How can rogue landlords sidestep the law?
What is the responsibility of all staff regarding health and safety?