What is Jenius Bank?
How is Jenius Bank associated with SMBC?
What is the website to learn more information about Jenius Bank?
What type of customer support does Jenius Bank offer?
What are the key features of the Jenius Savings Account?
What types of financial services does SMBC Group offer?
What industries do the new team members in Phoenix have experience in?
What tools does Jenius Bank provide to help manage finances?
What technology does Jenius Bank use to make mastering personal finances easier?
What are the customer service options provided by Jenius Bank?
When did Jenius Bank open its first office in Charlotte, North Carolina?
What types of banks qualify for FDIC insurance?
Who can open a Jenius Bank Savings Account?
What categories of Personal Information does Jenius Bank collect?
What kind of talent is Jenius Bank looking to attract in Phoenix?