In which films did Javier Bardem act in 2007?
What is Javier Bardem's filmography?
What are some of Javier Bardem's notable films?
Which film gave Javier Bardem international recognition?
What role did Javier Bardem play in his first major motion picture?
When did Bardem become the first all Spanish-language Best Actor nominee?
What is Javier Bardem's role as an ambassador?
What awards has Javier Bardem been recognized for by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences?
What plea did Javier Bardem and 200 other artists make in Spain?
What awards has Javier Bardem won?
What is Javier Bardem fluent in?
What awards did Javier Bardem win for his role in No Country for Old Men?
What is the name of Penélope Cruz and Javier Bardem's son?
What is Javier Bardem's native language?
What role did Javier Bardem play in No Country for Old Men?