What are the available hours for ON DEMAND Virtual Visits?
What are the visiting hours at Salem Regional Medical Center?
What documents are required to obtain copies of my SRMC medical records?
What is the new name of the hospital?
Is there an accessible login option for visually impaired users?
Which professional organizations and governmental agencies accredit Salem Regional Medical Center?
What is the purpose of the CCHNA?
How can I report a technical problem with the SRMC Patient Portal?
What are the top health needs identified in the current CCHNA?
What are the business hours of the Medical Records Department?
Where is the Cancer & Infusion Center located?
What is the treatment for COVID-19?
What is the purpose of SRMC's Nurse Navigation Program?
How can I provide my email address to SRMC staff?
Which colleges and schools have clinical sites at Salem Regional Medical Center?