What is the contact number for startup consultation?
What is the contact number for the one-stop startup consultation office?
How many student startups have been supported by Hanyang University?
What are the benefits of the 창업현장실습(장기) program?
What is the purpose of the 창업휴학 and 창업현장실습(장기) programs?
Who is eligible to apply for the 창업휴학 and 창업현장실습(장기) programs?
What is the purpose of the 4차 산업혁명 창업 마이크로 전공 program?
Who is eligible to apply for the 창업융합전공 program?
What are the benefits of the 창업휴학 program?
What is the purpose of the 창업융합전공 program?
What are the benefits of the 창업융합전공 program?
What are the target audiences for the entrepreneurship education?
What are the steps involved in the consultation process?