What are some accessibility issues with the Synergy Parent Portal?
What does the Promoting Diversity and Equality of Opportunity in Employment policy ensure?
Where can I find the school meal menus?
What is the current political make-up of East Sussex County Council?
Why are live video streams exempt from meeting the accessibility regulations?
Who initiated the development of the training materials?
What is the subject matter of the East Sussex Statement of Community Involvement?
What are the four overarching priority outcomes of East Sussex County Council?
What WCAG guidelines do the accessibility issues with the Synergy Parent Portal fail?
How can someone become a tree warden?
What information does the map show?
Who signed the statement?
Can East Sussex County Council withdraw permission to link to their website?
What are the existing Plans that East Sussex County Council intends to save or revoke?
Do I need to inform the Web Team if I link to East Sussex County Council's website?