What type of restaurant is Golden Corral?
Where is Golden Corral headquartered?
What is the name of the most recent designed restaurants by Golden Corral?
How many locations does Golden Corral have?
What concept did Golden Corral update their restaurants to during the mid-2000s?
Which states in the US do not have any Golden Corral locations?
What additions were made to Golden Corral restaurants in 1991?
When did Golden Corral start franchising?
What services does Golden Corral offer for takeout and delivery?
When was Golden Corral established?
When did Golden Corral's system-wide annual sales exceed $1 billion?
What is Camp Corral and its relationship with Golden Corral?
What are some made-to-order items that guests can request at Golden Corral?
What internet domain did Golden Corral acquire?
Which NASCAR events did Golden Corral sponsor?