What is Giorgio Armani's net worth?
What was Giorgio Armani's annual turnover and personal fortune?
What is the title of the biography about Giorgio Armani?
What career path did Giorgio Armani initially aspire to?
What sponsorship agreement did Giorgio Armani enter into in 2021?
What is Giorgio Armani's sexual orientation?
Where did Giorgio Armani work as a window dresser and sales clerk?
What event did Giorgio Armani participate in as an artist in 2015?
Which pop superstar has Giorgio Armani designed stage outfits for?
What is Giorgio Armani credited with pioneering?
What sports teams or events has Giorgio Armani been involved with?
When was Giorgio Armani born?
When did Giorgio Armani found his own label?
How many Giorgio Armani boutiques were there as of 2009?
Who did Giorgio Armani meet in the late 1960s?