Who is Florence Nightingale?
Who was Florence Nightingale?
Who wrote a biography about Florence Nightingale?
What categories is Florence Nightingale associated with?
What is Florence Nightingale known for?
What fields did Florence Nightingale work in?
What is the influence and legacy of Florence Nightingale?
What was Florence Nightingale's expected role as a woman of her status?
Who did Florence Nightingale spend her time with?
Who wrote the official life of Florence Nightingale?
What was Nightingale's contribution to the nursing profession?
What is the title of the major new life of Florence Nightingale published in 2008?
What is the title of Florence Nightingale's memoir?
What is the title of Florence Nightingale's book?
When was Florence Nightingale's biography published in England?