How much did Filer Credit Union donate in scholarships this year?
Does Filer Credit Union participate in any events or donations throughout the year?
What is the purpose of the VISA Travel Money Card?
What is the frequency of Filer Credit Union's donations to different foundations?
Are there any circumstances where the availability of funds for withdrawal may be delayed?
Are college students eligible to renew their scholarship?
Do I need to find a house before I apply for a mortgage?
What are the requirements for getting an Instant Issue Debit Card?
Who should I contact if I need financial assistance?
What is the activation fee for the VISA Gift Card?
What is Zogo?
What are the requirements for membership application?
How many winners will be selected for the Second Year Scholarships?
When will funds deposited in my account be available for withdrawal?
What are the down payment requirements for a construction loan?