What is Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
What is the official website of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
What subsidiaries does Fairfax Financial operate through?
What are the subsidiaries of Fairfax Financial?
When was Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited incorporated?
Who is the chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
Who has served as chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited since 1985?
When was Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited re-organized and renamed?
Who is the CEO of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
Who is the chairman and CEO of Fairfax Financial?
What are some of the acquisitions made by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
What is the 2020 Annual Report of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
What subsidiaries does Fairfax Latin America underwrite through?
What is the ownership stake of Prem Watsa in Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited?
How many employees does Fairfax Financial have worldwide?